Jane and Shernise reviewing furniture finishes, artwork, and placement.
Shernise excited to get started on the Welbrook furniture, artwork, and accessories installation!
This past October, Jane, Shernise, and I set out to southern California to oversee the furniture and artwork installations and purchase accessories. Welbrook South Bay accommodates Assisted Living and Memory Care residents, and provides them with an extensive list of services and amenities. This includes educational, social, recreational programs, restaurant style dining, caring professional team to assist with daily living, and a variety of rooms like the movie theatre, game room, living room with fireplaces, beauty and barber shop, and large outdoor courtyards. The living quarters are studio, one bedroom and two bedroom suits.
Monday morning the furniture arrived! The workers are preparing to unbox and place the pieces into the living spaces..
The artwork about to be mounted to the walls by Kevin Barry Associates.
The dining room was the holding center for the unboxed furniture. So many chairs!
Shernise and I deciding where to place accessories in the corridor.
We had a lot to accomplish during our time short time in Torrance, CA, but with a plan and a few very long days, we were able to get everything done. The furniture had been delivered and placed in the appropriate areas, accessories were purchased to make the living areas feel welcoming and home-like, the artwork was hung, and finishing touches were applied to welcome residents to their new home.
On our way to the airport Thursday morning, Shernise and I decided to make a pit stop at the beach. This was our first time in California and we were happy to have seen some of the beautiful scenery!
-Nicole Galanakis