From the J+J Flooring Group
By AnnMarie Martin
Perhaps nowhere else does design make more of an impact than in healthcare spaces, particularly in environments for the aging population.
J+J Flooring Group brought together a select group of designers to discuss exactly that during their second annual Senior Living Design Symposium in Santa Fe, N.M., earlier this year. Thirteen top designers were corralled together for a weekend in May and lassoed up by industry expert Sara Marberry (co-founder of the Center for Health Design). This think tank was also joined by guest speakers gerontologist Dr. Anne Simpson from the University of New Mexico, and I&S columnist Jane Rhode (see her latest piece on page 94 of this issue).
Many ideas and experiences were shared among the group, but more importantly, results were achieved. Out of this exclusive gathering, four trends were identified in the sector and J+J is offering them up to the majority. The following are four movements that can help you craft interiors for seniors who intend to lead active, mobile lifestyles for many years to come. We asked Marberry to weigh in on each to get some clarity and perspective.
Read the full article here: Interiors & Sources